domingo, 2 de marzo de 2014

Israel and the Palestinians

The economist explains how the conflict between Israel and the Gaza strip is getting worse as time passes. Both sides have decided to cease fire because many innocent people have been killed because of the hate and rivalry among them. They are fighting in order to get their territory back because according to both sides the territory belongs to them. There are many factors that contribute to this dispute, like religion, culture and language. The majority of the citizens want to end this conflict because at any moment their life could be in risk because that country lacks of security.

The HAMAS are the Islamic movement that have ruled Gaza since 2007, and the fight in order to get their territory back and make their rights value.  Egypt is the country that is helping Gaza by giving them weapons in order to defend themselves from the Israelites. I believe that this conflict will not end until either side gets destroyed or leave the country. The UN should make a plan of action in order to end this ancient conflict. Also, the UN should not listen the countries that BETO this decisions because it is not making any good to that poor country and their citizens.

Photo Credit: The economist

MLA citations:
Israel and the Palestinians: Old battles, new Middle East | The Economist. (n.d.). Retrieved from

2 comentarios:

  1. Hi freddy i like your website and post because you are including images. Who do you think should get the territory?

  2. Hi freddy, i read an article that is very similar to yours. I agree with your position about the UN. The united states must approve this law in order to end this conflict.
